指把词语意义和它所指或代表的事物联系起来的理论。在解释专有名词和有定性名词时尤其有效。 西方哲学史上的一种意义理论。基本思想是:名称通过指示或指称外部世界中的事物或事实而具有意义,一个名称的意义就是它所指示或指称的对象。名称和对象之间存在着对应的关系。对象既包括个别的人或物,也包括某一类事物,还包括状态、性质、关系等。
...n in connection with context 针对“意义”的早期研 究 “意义”概念的哲学研究 (1)Plato的“指称论”(referential theory) :词的意义就是它所指称的事物,所指就是意 义。
意义的指称论 referential theory of meaning
历史因果指称理论 The Historical-Casual Theory of Reference (developed by American philosopher Saul Aaron Kripke)
意义指称论 the referential theory
指称理论 theory of reference ; Referential Theory ; theory of referring
论指称 OnDenoting ; OnReferring
指称的因果论 causal theory of reference
西方指称理论 Western reference theory
指称的因果理论 the causal theory of reference
因果指称理论 causal theory of reference
Compared With the Reference Theory, they both thought the language correspondences with another thing. the name and its reference has the static logical correspondence relations.
参考来源 - 语言哲学视域中的《论语》Compared With the Reference Theory, they both thought the language correspondences with another thing. the name and its reference has the static logical correspondence relations.
参考来源 - 语言哲学视域中的《论语》·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The referential theory of meaning enjoys a very long history in both Chinese and western philosophy of language.
"The description theory" argues that linguistic expression's reference is fixed by the description, which describe or reflect its meaning.
Frege's theory of meaning and their thoughts on the philosophy of language, embodied in his "meaning and Reference".