“挑战杯”(The Challenge Cup)是由1776发起的全球性创业大赛,首届大赛于2013年10月启动,时间跨度长达8个月,在全球范围内共涉及美、欧、亚、非四大洲的16个城...
亚足联挑战杯 AFC Challenge Cup
苏格兰联赛挑战杯 scottish challenge cup ; Scottish League Challenge Cup
欧洲挑战杯 Challenge Cup
世界羊毛纪录挑战杯 World Wool Record Challenge Cup
加拿大-美国挑战杯 Canadian-American Challenge Cup
北部超级联赛挑战杯 Northern Premier League Challenge Cup
亚洲超级球会挑战杯 Asian Challenge Cup ; live now
挑战杯项目 Challenge Project ; Challenge Cup project ; Project Challenge Cup
诺曼布鲁克斯挑战杯 Norman Brookes Challenge Cup
The "Challenge Cup" has been gaining enormous momentum ever since then.
The UCI shall award a trophy to the winner of the World Challenge Cup competition.
Play on the famous grass in the official sports mobile game and take the Challenge Cup!