振幅调制(Amplitude Modulation)是一种根据基带信号的变化,改变载波波 幅的调制方式,通过载波不同的波幅来表达不同的信息。
modulation, adaptive differential pulse code (ADPCM) 配接差动脉冲编码调制 modulation, amplitude (AM) 振幅调制 modulation, collector 集极调制 ..
... AM access manager 获得访问控制管理类卓越大奖 AM see amplitude modulation 振幅调制,调幅 AM advisor meeting 与学习顾问会见时间 ...
正交振幅调制 QAM ; Quadrature Amplitude Modulation ; Qu a t r a t u r e Amp l i t u d e Mo
脉冲振幅调制 PAM ; Pulse Amplitude Modulation ; amplitude modulation
光振幅调制器 optical amplitude modulator ; light amplitude modulator
光振幅调制 light amplitude modulation
频率振幅调制完毕 frequency and amplitude modulated
多电平正交振幅调制 MQAM
多级电光振幅调制器 multistage electro-optic amplitude modulator ; multidate acceptro-optic amplitude modulator ; optic amplitude modulator
残留边带振幅调制 AM-VSB ; amplitude modulation vestigial side-band
标准振幅调制 AM
The main algorithm among them is as follows: dynamic range controllor, distortion- reduced preprocessing, sinusoidal wave oscillator and amplitude modulator.
参考来源 - 基于DSP的参量扬声器系统研究与设计·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
In this paper the model of two level atomic momentum spread in amplitude modulated standing light wave was investigated.
Furthermore, the effect of aperture parameters on the diffraction characteristics of laser beams with amplitude modulations is also analyzed.
As the modulation of amplitude is dust particle, the fluctuation and peaks are shown in the power gain spectrum.