“捐赠誓言”(Giving Pledge),也命名为“财富捐赠誓言”的劝募善款活动。2010年,由股神沃伦·巴菲特和微软创始人比尔·盖茨发起的“捐赠誓言”活动,旨在号召亿万富翁生前或去世后至少用自己一半的财富来做慈善。截止到2013年5月,已有114位富豪加入该项活动。
In a video prepared by the Giving Pledge, Mr. Zuckerberg said, 'There's so much that needs to be done, it would be better to start now.'
Buffett and Microsoft‘s co-founder continue to push tycoons to eventually give away at least 50% of their wealth through their charity publicity project, the Giving Pledge.
I would guess that it would result in some more giving next year by the people that sign on that might not otherwise be the case in aggregate.