...报表 资产负债表(balance sheet):主要是记载企业 在特定时点的资产、负债与股东权益的结构 状况 损益表(income statement):主要是记载企业 在某一期间的营收、支出项目与金额,以反 映企业在该期间的营运结果 股东权益变动表(statement of sharehol...
损益表(profit and loss statement):企业的经营成果通常表现为某个时期收入与费用配比而得的利润或亏损。
合并损益表 aggregate income statement ; consolidated income statement ; consolidated profit and loss account ; Consolidated income sheets
营业损益表 profit and loss statement ; operating statement ; [会计] trading profit and loss statement
损益表法 Income statement approach
汇总损益表 consolidated profit and loss statement
损益表账户 income statement accounts ; haha income statement accounts
预计损益表 loss statement ; projected profit and loss statement ; pro forma income statement ; estimated profit and loss statement
简明损益表 condensed income statement ; [会计] condensed profit and loss statement
期中损益表 [会计] interim income statement
总括性损益表 statement of income and profit-and-loss ; all-inclusive income statement
The multiple-step income statement clearly states the gross profit amount.
这里列出了 Glassgow 公司的简明资产负债表和损益表的数据。
Condensed balance sheet and income statement data for Glassgow Corporation are presented here.
Information is a prediction of the weather, a profit-and-loss statement, and a sales trend.
If you just saw the news yesterday, Fannie Mae is predicting, well, they are predicting that Fannie Mae is going to make huge losses in their latest earning statement.
A company has a profit and loss statement and there's something that is called net income, which is the measure of how much the company is making the profits after expenses of the company, called the bottom line.