The fountain of art thinking in the Chinese culture sources in the mode of take in images and symbols from viewing which comparing to Plato's Theory of Imitation that centered on Idea, bring about the recognition of "Self" and "Other".
参考来源 - 《易传·系辞》“观物取象”试探·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Plato's thoughts consist of three aspects: the theory of imitation, the theory of effectiveness and the theory of inspiration.
It is a prevailing idea that the classical Chinese poetics emphasized only lyricism and representation while neglecting mimesis; mimesis seems to be the patent owned by the Western.
Hegel recognized the drawbacks about the theory of imitation and opposed it, putting forward new viewpoints from his thought that Beauty is the perceptual appearance of ideas after Kant.