Remember the Easter holidays in April, the author in Brussels "urinating children" next encountered a unit of the national delegations.
墨西哥东部某州将仿照布鲁塞尔著名的“撒尿小童”,为该国首例患甲型h1n 1流感的男童竖立一座雕像。
A state in eastern Mexico is to erect a statue to a small boy suspected as being the first patient of swine flu here, to be modeled on the famous Manneken Pis statue of a child urinating in Brussels.
墨西哥东部某州将仿照布鲁塞尔出名的“撒尿小童”,为该国首例患甲型h1n 1流感的男童竖立一座雕像。
A state in eastern Mexico is to erect a statue to a small boy suspected as being the first patient of swine flu here, to be modeled on the famous Manneken Pis statue of a child urinating in Brussels.