...分类,这些类别分别是通信中间件(Communication Middleware)、应用服务器(Application Server)、数据集成中间件(Data Integrator)、应用集成中间件(Application Integrator)、流程集成中间件(Business Process Management)和B2B应用集成中间件(B2B Application...
Implementing heterogeneous data integration middleware based on component technology can greatly raise the system's expansibility, generality and flexibility.
IBM WebSphere Premises Server(以下称为Premises Server)是IBM中间件产品,允许将传感器事件数据集成到企业业务流程中。
IBM WebSphere Premises Server (hereafter referred to as Premises Server) is an IBM middleware product that enables the integration of sensor event data into an enterprise business process.
Mashups also help you to integrate disparate data quickly and easily using semantically rich data formats that require neither complex programming nor middleware technologies.