· 文献纪录片 茶道(Tea Culture)3DVD 精装收藏版 mc21st · 天曦茗茶 翠薇龙珠 福州特产名茶 早春精品茉莉花茶250克罐装 mc21st
大型文献纪录片 Chinese Palaces and Their Legends
As an important type of documentary,the literature documentary film combines modern communication technologies with traditional literature and academic research,the value of which is that it makes a construction of history and reality and contains the collective memory of a nation.
作为纪录片中的一种重要类型,文献纪录片将现代传播技术与传统著述、学术研究有机结合了起来。 建构历史与现实,承担一个民族的集体记忆便是其价值所在。
参考来源 - 思想主流与市场边缘的尴尬·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
摩根专门收藏历史照片、手稿、亲笔签名和文献。 目前他正参与制作一部关于梦露之死的纪录片。
Morgan, a collector of historical photos, manuscripts, autographs and documents, is also working on a documentary on the death of Monroe in August 1962.
The characteristic of the documentary had it become a "stereoscopic file "of history and realistic "document notes".