《新木乃伊》是环球电影公司在2017年推出的动作冒险片,由艾里克斯·库兹曼执导,并且由汤姆·克鲁斯、安娜贝拉·沃丽丝、索菲亚·宝特拉、杰克·M·约翰森和罗素·克劳主演。 该片讲述了复活的“埃及公主”安玛奈特为了复仇,选定了军人尼克,并想方设法将其变成埃及死神塞特的故事。于2017年6月9日在美国与中国同步上映。
The newly appointed Minister of Antiquities also clarified what happened to the two mummies whose heads were photographed lying on the floor among scattered bones.
Does he think Historical, getting a report of mummies, finding only a recently filled hole, is going to think, Oh, Giff, very funny, you crack us up?
For instance, arsenic poisoning of the Chinchorro people of Chile from contaminated water, as revealed via the hair of 6, 800-year-old mummified infants, probably led to high child mortality rates.