旋转矩阵(英语:Rotation matrix)是在乘以一个向量的时候有改变向量的方向但不改变大小的效果并保持了手性的矩阵。旋转矩阵不包括点反演,点反演可以改变手性,也就是把右手坐标系改变成左手坐标系或反之。所有旋转加上反演形成了正交矩阵的集合。旋转可分为主动旋转与被动旋转。主动旋转是指将向量逆时针围绕旋转轴所做出的旋转。被动旋转是对坐标轴本身进行的逆时针旋转,它相当于主动旋转的逆操作。
另一种更为抽象的方法则充分利用了旋转矩阵(rotate matrix)其特殊正交阵(special orthogonal matrix)的特性之一:
平面旋转矩阵 [机] planar rotation matrix
欧拉旋转矩阵 [机] Euler rotation matrix
创建旋转矩阵 Create Rotation Matrix from direction
创建一个旋转矩阵 Create Rotation Matrix
轴旋转矩阵 [机] axis rotation matrix
罗德里格旋转矩阵 Rodrigues' Rotation Matrix
旋转矩阵的中心 M rc
旋转因子矩阵 rotated factor matrix
旋转正交矩阵法 Orthogonal Property of Rotation Matrices
Translation vector and rotation matrix can be got by non-linear least squares algorithm whose initial parameters are gained by linear least squares. Our test shows that this method is simple and effective.
参考来源 - 基于图像的空间三维数据获取及建模·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Formula of an element in the shift and rotation matrix. Simplicity and compactness are clearly visible.
The results prove that this plan not only ensures the rotating matrix 's orthogonality but also improves the calibrating precision.
Based on the orthogonality of rotation matrix, a constrained optimization approach is proposed to estimate the rotation matrix.