旋风除尘器 是除尘装置的一类。除尘机理是使含尘气流作旋转运动,借助于离心力将尘粒从气流中分离并捕集于器壁,再借助重力作用使尘粒落入灰斗。旋风除尘器的各个部件都有一定的尺寸比例,每一个比例关系的变动,都能影响旋风除尘器的效率和压力损失,其中除尘器直径、进气口尺寸、排气管直径为主要影响因素。在使用时应注意,当超过某一界限时,有利因素也能转化为不利因素。另外,有的因素对于提高除尘效率有利,但却会增加压力损失,因而对各因素的调整必须兼顾。
铸造车间负压除尘系统设计-机械设计类-木哥机械资料商城[机械毕业设计|论文] 关键词: 铸造 旋风除尘器 负压除尘 [gap=1941]Key words: Casting, Cyclone Dust Collector, vacuum dust removal
文章详细信息 关键词: 旋风除尘器;形状设计;理论预测;模型实验 [gap=522]Keywords: cyclone dust separator;shape design;theoretical prediction;mould testing
湿式旋风除尘器 [环境] wet cyclone ; cyclone spray scrubber ; liquid cyclone
多管旋风除尘器 multicyclone ; multiclonedustcollector
多管〔旋风〕除尘器 multiclone ; multicyclone
长锥体旋风除尘器 long cone cyclone
旋风除尘器系统 Cyclone System
对流旋风除尘器 paracyclonedustcleaner
多管式旋风除尘器 multitubular cyclone
单旋风除尘器 single cyclone dust collector
环流式旋风除尘器 circumfluent cyclone
The cyclone separator is one of the dust collectors, which makes use of the centrifugal force generated by rotating airflow to separate and trap the particles.
参考来源 - 旋风除尘器三维流场及结构改进的数值研究Verify its effect of guarantee efficiency and resistance reduction through experiment. Bring forward a new way for study of resistance reduction of cyclone dust separator .
参考来源 - 关于旋风除尘器减阻措施的实验研究Double ash discharge,under the guidance of this paper to work out a new structure of the cyclone dust collector.
参考来源 - 双排灰旋风除尘器的结构改进和性能研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
It's introducing a new structural cyclone dust extractor that absciss cylinder and applies cone directly.
The dedusting equipment mainly includes dust catcher, pocket dust collector, centrifugal dust separator and wet dust collector.
Precipitator skeleton dust cyclone flow type characteristic shell design, can remove partial whirlwind role, reduce the filter bag load.