硫酸钠(Na2SO4)是硫酸根与钠离子化和生成的盐。 硫酸钠溶于水且其水溶液呈中性。溶于甘油而不溶于乙醇。暴露于空气容易吸水生成十水合硫酸钠。在241℃时硫酸钠会转变成六方型结晶。纯度高且颗粒细的无水硫酸钠称为元明粉,十水合硫酸钠俗称芒硝。
每根喷漆型材的测量处数不少于10处,45无水硫酸钠(Sodium Sulphate Anhydrous),看看2004 第5部分。
...无水硫酸钠 [gap=808]Key word:DTB crystallizator; vacuum evaporation crystallizator; sodium sulfate; anhydrous sodium sulfate ...
参数: 中文名称:无水硫酸钠 中文别名:元明粉;无水芒硝;无水硫酸钠;硫酸钠(无水) 英文名称:Sodium sulfate 分子式/结构式: Na2O4S 分子量(Mr): 142.0432 上游产品:甲酸钠、硫酸二甲酯、芒硝矿、亚硝酸钠 下游产品: 硫化钠、硫酸钡、药用硫酸钡、改性
水硫酸钠中文名称:无水硫酸钠英文名称:Sodiumfulfate分子式:Na2SO4分子量:142.04CAS号:64-18-6用途:工业上广泛用于制作硫化钠、水玻璃、瓷釉、制革、媒染剂和其它化学工业。 该操作需要登录后方
无水硫酸钠肠溶胶囊 Anhydrous Sodium Sulfate Enteric Capsules ; ANHYDROUS SODIUM FULFATE ENERIC-COATED CAPSULES
无水亚硫酸钠 Anhydrous Sodium Sulfite ; Sodium sulfite anhydrous ; sodium sulfite ; Anhydrous Sodium
农残级无水硫酸钠 lblNameEng
产品名称无水硫酸钠 Sodium sulfate anhydrous
无水硫代硫酸钠 Sodium thiosulfate ; Sodium Thio Sulphate ; anhydrous sodium thiosulfate ; anhydrous hypo
无水次亚硫酸钠 Sodium thiosulfate
无水硫酸氢钠 niter cake ; Sodium bisulfate ; nitre cake ; Sodium acid sulfate
无水亚硫酸氢钠 sodium metabisulfite
After reaction, the purified product was obtained through extraction with dichloromethane, drying with anhydrous sodium sulfate and desolventizing.
Textile industry, anhydrous sodium sulfate used in cement, chemical fertilizer, shipbuilding, petroleum and other departments, the cotton textile industry is the largest industrial sector.
This method is applicable to rapidly determine Methamidophos with GC. Methamidophos in rice is extracted with ethyl acetate to prepare sample solution that dries with sodium sulfate.