Many of them wasting significant amounts of money on fatty, sugar and cream packed coffee beverages from Starbucks-style coffeehouses.
When you walk into Starbucks, you're offered a choice among a latte and a macchiato and an espresso and a few other things, but you can also make another choice.
在美国,所谓可挤压式水果产品的一个主要制造商,Peter Rabbit Organics,是一间英国公司,其产品在8000多家店铺里有销售,包括6000家星巴克咖啡馆。
In the U.S., a big maker of so-called squeezable fruit is Peter Rabbit Organics, a closely held British firm with products in more than 8,000 outlets, including 6,000 Starbucks Corp. coffee shops.