标准价值(普遍价值) standard value (general value); Standardwert (Allgemeinewert) ; standard value (general value)
突出普遍价值 OUV ; Outstanding Universal Value
突出的普遍价值 Outstanding Universal Value ; OUV
全球突出普遍价值 OUV
普遍价值的追寻 The Search of General Value
普遍性价值 univcrsal value ; general value
能辨识普遍性的价值 Discrimination among values
Looking forward "universal ethics" is a sweet dream of humankind from the ancient times.
When some of our development does not constitute a unique differentiator we often try to push it back to the open source project.
But teaching's not something that has intrinsic value for all people—and that's true generally.
And i believe in the value of liber arts education, just in general, just learning about the world, learning about other people, would serve me in some ? way, some way which i really didn't know.