风茄(Mandrake),亦音译作曼德拉草。曼德拉草(Atropa Mandragora),茄科茄参属植物(含致命的莨菪碱和天仙子胺)。原产地:欧洲,别名毒参茄、向阳花或毒苹果。它属于茄科类四季草本植物,分布于喜玛拉雅、西亚、中东巴勒斯坦、北非及南欧地中海等地。
The Nightshade family is a category of plants which also includes many that you wouldn't want to eat, like mandrake, belladonna, and even tobacco.
他的一位朋友向《每日电讯报》曼德拉草专栏( Mandrake column) 透露:“他写的是,如果基督受到公正审判会怎么样。”
"He has written what would have happened if Jesus had had a fair trial, " a friend told The Daily Telegraph's Mandrake column .