最终幻想 Final Fantasy VII ; Final Fantasy VII Advant Children ; fantasy vii
可能来自游戏最终幻想 VII
最终幻想VII Final Fantasy VII
最终幻想7 Final Fantasy VII
最终幻想7重制版 Final Fantasy VII remake
最终幻想七 FINAL FANTASY VII Original Soundtrack
说到萨菲罗斯,但凡是玩过《最终幻想 VII(Final Fantasy VII)》的玩家可能都不会忘记这个外表超英俊的BOSS。他在女玩家心目中的地位绝不逊色于当红的歌星…
最终幻想七原声大碟 Final Fantasy VII Original Soundtrack
最终幻想降临之子 Final Fantasy VII Advent Children
最终幻想核心危机 Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core
In the world of video games (and multi-cellular organisms), characters such as Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII come off as the ultimate protagonist.
Crisis Core: Highly anticipated prequel for Final Fantasy VII. Zack awaits a cruel and fateful struggle.
Near the end of Disc Two of Final Fantasy VII, the player has the option to fight Elena, Reno, and Rude, or refuse the battle.