需求价格 需求价格(Demand Price)是指消莈者(莈莈者)莈一定量商品或莈(服)莈所愿意支付最高价格(Maximum Price), 取 于莈一定量商品莈莈莈者或消莈者的莈莈效用。 它 决 2.
Consequently, the strategy to maximize overall profit from a new product is to charge less than the greatest possible price.
Obviously, the minimum price should be lower than the maximum price.
The search for a market that pays the highest price has historically been elusive .
Now they are falling and in real terms home prices have fallen almost 10% since the peak in 2006.
从2006年房价格最高点算起,现在房价已经,下跌了将近 10%
Consequently, prices are going to go the other way and consequently prices are going to be highest under monopoly, lowest on the competition, and somewhere in between in this Cournot situation.
Ads in newspapers, like this one in Charleston, would read, "Negroes wanted. I am paying the highest cash prices for young and likely Negroes, those having good front teeth and being otherwise sound."