Using strategies that have worked in the past, I developed an aggressive sales campaign that focused on cultivating new accounts and nurturing the existing client base.
Perhaps more disturbing his aggressive nature didn't translate into heaps of rebounds. That probably has to do with technique and timing, both of which can be learned.
如果他们有能够用2个技能就杀死的低血量英雄时,你甚至可以更加具有侵略性。 让你的对手血量低会使他们不能骚扰你,从而在线上获得优势。
Even maybe get aggressive if there's a low hp hero that can be kiled in 2 consecutive rips - keeping enemy's hp low will make them not be so sure in harassing you anymore and win you the lane.
They're throwing out insults, maybe they're tickling each other, maybe they're making fun of each other, maybe they're making fun of themselves, and there's some aggression to it.