有机农药(organic pesticide):农药中属于有机化合物的品种总称。这类农药有杀虫剂、杀菌剂、杀螨剂、除草剂、杀线虫剂及杀鼠剂。
... organic solvent chemicals: 有机溶剂化学品 organic agricultural chemicals: 有机农药 Organic-bleaching chemicals: 有机漂白化学品 ...
合成有机农药 synthetic organic pesticide
有机氯农药 organochlorine pesticides ; OCPs ; OC Pesticides ; chlorinated pesticide
有机磷农药中毒 AOPP ; Organophosphates Pesticides Poisoning ; [医] organic phosphorus pesticide poisoning ; pesticide poisoning
急性有机磷农药中毒 AOPP ; acute organophosphorus pesticide poisoning ; AOIP ; acute organic phosphorus poisoning
有机汞农药 organomercury pesticide
有机氯农药残留 Organochlorine pesticides residue ; organic chlorine pesticides
有机农药残留 organic pesticide residues
有机农药污染 organic pesticide contamination
慢性有机磷农药中毒 chronic organophosphorus pesticide poisoning
Bt is a favored organic pesticide because its toxicity is very specific, making it harmless to just about everything but the pest in question.
介绍了采用碱解氧化-厌氧滤池- SBR工艺处理三唑磷有机农药废水的设计、调试及运行情况。
The design, trail run and operation of a basic oxidation-anaerobic filter-SBR process treating organic phosphorus pesticide wastewater are presented.
The microorganism plays an important role in the degradation of pesticides in soil and water environment. Bioremediation technology of pesticide-contaminated soils is summarized in this paper.
and their produce is fresh and organic so you're not getting pesticides.