adj. medicative
... medication 指医生开给病人用的一切药物,从最简单的阿斯匹林到最复杂的药物。 medicative 有药效的 medicinal 医学的 ...
有效的药 potent remedy
灵验有效的药 panacea ; effective remedy ; medicine that works
炸药的有效能 useful energy of an explosive
止痒药的有害效应 Adverse effects in therapeutic use, antipruritics
镇痉药的有害效应 Adverse effects in therapeutic use, antispasticity drugs
解酒药的有害效应 Adverse effects in therapeutic use, alcohol deterrents
催产药的有害效应 Adverse effects in therapeutic use, oxytocic drugs
催吐药的有害效应 Adverse effects in therapeutic use, emetics
This drug has one important limitation. Its effects only last six hours.
较贵的药物--雷珠单抗注射液(Lucentis)--每注射一次2000美元(约13600元),病患可能每4-6周就需要注射一次。 毫无疑问它的药效良好;实际上,这是第一种针对AMD可以扭转视力下降的有证药物。
The expensive version - Lucentis - is about $2000 per injection, and patients may need a shot every 4 to 6 weeks.
Often when a patient doesn’t respond to the first drug, an additional drug is given, but that’s not always practical for patients who are already taking 10 or 15 drugs for other health problems.