... major weapon system 主要武器系统 maneuver 机动;对抗演习;机动作战 manipulative electromagnetic deception 电磁波伪装;电磁辐射伪装 ...
海上机动作战 maritime maneuver
全域快速机动作战能力 combat capability of full-spectrum and fast maneuver
空中机动作战 air-mobile operation
太平洋机动作战 Operation Pacific
从海上发起的机动作战 OMFTS
机动作战学派 School of Manoeuvre
高炮机动作战 mobile operation of antiaircraft artillery
不错的机战动作游戏 GAL
作战机动训练中心 CMV
These enemy troops are now mainly on the defensive and only a small part is available for mobile operations.
The three-week experiment will take place in early 2010 at the Fort Benning, Ga., Maneuver Battle Lab.
Wind load is one of the key factors which influence the precision of the Radar vehicle, which was designed to work outside.