板翅式换热器,通常由隔板、翅片、封条、导流片组成。在相邻两隔板间放置翅片、导流片以及封条组成一夹层,称为通道,将这样的夹层根据流体的不同方式叠置起来,钎焊成一整体便组成板束,板束是板翅式换热器的核心。 板翅式换热器已广泛应用于石油、化工、天然气加工等行业。
文章详细信息 关键词: 板翅式换热器;;乙烯冷箱;;MUSE软件;;设计;;应用 [gap=430]Keywords: Plate-fin heat exchanger;Ethylene cold box;MUSE software;Design;Application
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切换板翅式换热器 [化工] plate-fin type reversing heat exchanger
黄铜板翅式换热器 brazed-plate-fin heat exchanger
全铝制板翅式换热器 aluminum plate fin heat exchanger
多股流板翅式换热器 multi stream plate fin heat exchanger
钎焊铝板翅式换热器 Brazed aluminum plate-fin heat exchangers
翅板式换热器 [化工] finned sheet exchanger
板翅式热交换器 plate fin heat exchanger
Plate-fin heat exchanger, with its compactness and high efficiency, can make better use of energy, cut down the running cost and reduce the scale of the equipment. Therefore, it's widely used in all kinds of industrial departments.
参考来源 - 板翅式换热器的性能分析与实验研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The engineering application of plate-fin heat exchangers has been discussed.
A technical development of developing, designing and manufacturing of plate fin heat exchanger for petroleum and chemical engineering are described.
Presents the core part structure, heat and mass transfer mechanism, and application conditions of the heat exchanger.