8.14 构造函数初始化列表(Constructor Initializer Lists) 8.15 名称空间格式(Namespace Formatting) 命令空间不需要额外的缩进级别: namespace { .
构造函数的初始化列表 constructor initializer list
Is there any way to make the implicit copy constructor use initialization lists? Is there any other way around manually writing the initialization list?
然后这个属性在构造函数中被初始化,如列表 10所示。
The attributes then gets initialized in the constructor, as shown in the Listing 10.
此类在其构造函数中初始化 DWR 提供的 org.directwebremoting.WebContext 类的实例,然后向 StockQuoteGenerator's 侦听器列表注册自身。
This class in its constructor initializes an instance of the org.directwebremoting.WebContext class provided by DWR, and then registers itself with StockQuoteGenerator's list of listeners.