枯萎病( blight )亦称疫病。由真菌或细菌引致的植物病害,发病突然,症状包括严重的点斑、凋萎或叶、花、果、茎或整株植物的死亡。生长迅速的幼嫩组织常被侵袭。大多数重要经济作物均受一种或多种疫病感染。疫病可影响花、叶、芽包、幼苗、小枝、茎(藤)及顶梢。
新疆棉花人工诱导抗病的研究 - 生命科学-科研基金网 关键词:白色棉花;彩色棉花;枯萎病;黄萎病;诱导因子 [gap=934]Keywords:white cotton;color cotton;Verticillium dahliae Kleb;blight;elicitor
黄瓜镰刀霉菌枯萎病(Fusarium wilt)是黄瓜连作栽培中一种危害最大的土传病害,产生黄瓜连作障碍的主要原因是黄瓜连作导致土壤的微生物区系恶化,土壤有益微生物受抑制...
0引言【研究意义】棉花枯萎病(Fusarium oxysporium)和黄萎病(Verticillium dahliae)是棉花生产上危害最严重的2种病害,在世界各产棉国均有发生。
棉枯萎病 Cotton Fusarium wilt ; Fusarium vasinfectum ; [植保] cotton wilt ; fusarium wilt
腐霉枯萎病 Pythium diseases ; Pythium Blight
棉花枯萎病 Cotton Fusarium wilt ; Fusarium wilt of cotton ; Fusarium Oxysporum f.vasinfectum Snyder and Hansen
瓜类枯萎病 Cucurbits Fusarium Wilt
玉米细菌性枯萎病菌 Erwinia stewartii
枯萎病菌 Fusarium oxysporum ; Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht ; Foxysporum
玉米细菌性枯萎病 Xanthomonas stewartii
黄瓜枯萎病 Cucumber fusarium wilt
石榴枯萎病 Pomegranate wilt ; Wilt of Pomegranate
The result showed that irrigation and fertilization were mostly effect factors on the control of fusarium wilt.
参考来源 - 水肥管理对辣椒枯萎病发生的影响The genetic by environment interaction variance was detected significantly; it indicated that the cotton resistance to Fusarium oxysporum was significantly affected by environmental factors.
参考来源 - 棉花枯黄萎病抗性遗传及生化机理研究ResultResults showed that 66.7% of watermelon were infected with wilt disease and 44.4% died after 40 days of transplanting in monocropping system. By contrast, watermelon grew normally in intercropping system.
参考来源 - 西瓜与旱作水稻间作改善西瓜连作障碍及对土壤微生物区系的影响The muti-agent of Trichoderma had been applicated in the large-scale and the integrated control effect to muskmelon wilt,cucumber wilt,and watermelon wilt were 69.67%~88.06%,66.04%,and 70.58%~89.75% respectively in field.
参考来源 - 木霉菌多功能生防菌剂对瓜类枯萎病的防效研究—《现代农业科技》—2010年第23期—龙源期刊网·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
All you can do to prevent potato blight is keep an eye on your crops.
WEEKS: Time it took for the potato blight to spread from Flanders to Ireland in 1845.
The biodiversity has shrunk for various reasons of profitability and as a consequence of that things like corn crops, and the orange crops in Florida are particularly susceptible to certain environmental conditions, certain pests, and certain types of blight.