...藏展现了当代艺术的普遍题材,同时也映出洛杉矶在1980至1990年代作为次要艺术集散地的位置,吸收了包括查尔斯·雷(Charles Ray)在内确当代艺术家来此地创作;此外还有诸多画廊竭力推行并支撑的国际艺术家,如来自日本的村上隆。
To build next to Charles Rennie Mackintosh's Glasgow School of art is like adding another temple to the Parthenon on the Acropolis.
Rivest first taught the course in the fall of 1975, and his co-author Charles Leiserson, a professor of computer science and engineering, began teaching it soon after arriving at MIT in 1981.
在巴塞罗那,诸如安东尼·高迪(Antoni Gaudí)或者多梅内克·蒙塔内尔(Domènech i Montaner),想必同时是艺术家和营造商,维也纳的奥脱·瓦格纳(Otto Wagner)或者格拉斯哥的查尔斯·雷尼·麦金托什(Charles Rennie Mackintosh)也是如此。
In Barcelona, the likes of Antoni Gaudí or Domènech i Montaner were surely artists as well as builders, as were Otto Wagner in Vienna or Charles Rennie Mackintosh in Glasgow.