凝胶渗透色谱 gel permeation omatography gpc 核磁共振光谱 nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum nmr 原子吸收光谱 atomic adsption spectm aas ..
核磁共振光谱计 nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer
核磁共振光谱光 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
核磁共振光谱仪 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer ; NMR Spectrometer ; NMR
核磁共振光谱法 NMR ; nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy ; nuclear magnetic resomance ; nmr spectroscopy
核磁共振光谱学 NMR spectroscopy ; Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy ; NMR
固态核磁共振光谱仪 Solid-state NMR ; SSNMR
定域核磁共振光谱法 topical nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry
高分辨核磁共振光谱学 high resolution nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Methods NMR spectroscopy was classified according to commonly encountered atomic nuclei, which are measured in nuclear magnetic resonance spectra.
结果产物的比旋光度和1 H核磁共振光谱(1 H NMR)与相应二醇的化学结构相符。
RESULTS the optical rotations and 1h NMR spectrum of the products were in agreement with the chemical structures of the corresponding diols.
The effects of reaction ratio and temperature on the reaction are studied. The product is analyzed qualitatively by means of IR and NMR.