“棕榈湾”是个多义词,它可以指棕榈湾(三期金水岸), 棕榈湾(二期红树湾), 棕榈湾(一期)。
Down in Palm Beach, Mr. Schwartz was worried about the chaos back home.
成堆的死梭子蟹沿着英格兰的萨尼特海岸被冲刷到了岸上(图示为棕榈湾(Palm Bay))。
Piles of dead velvet swimming crabs have been washing ashore along England's Thanet Coast (shown here, Palm Bay).
Yet the spot in question is not a benighted rust-belt city, but Sarasota, florida-a balmy, palm-studded resort town on the shores of the Gulf of Mexico.