... 抗氟性遗传 fluorides resistance heredity 植物油脂 vegetable oil and fat 性质的证明 proof of properties ...
... soybean for oil and fat industry 油脂业用大豆 vegetable fat an oil 植物油脂 vegetable fat and oil 植物油脂 ...
植物油脂肪酸 Vegetable fatty acids ; Vegetable oil fatty acids ; Acidulated soa ; Acidulated vegetable oil soapstock
植物油脂检验 Inspection of vegetable oils
植物油脂做的冰淇淋 mellorine
提取植物油脂 Extracted plant Oils
硫化植物油脂肪酸 sulfurized plant oil ; sulfurized vegetable oil fatty acid
植物油脂肪酸钙盐 Fatty acids, vegetable-oil, calcium sal
动植物油脂 Animal and vegetable fats and oils
植物油脂废水 vegetable oil wastewater
动植物油脂--取样 Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Sampling
Triglycerols are the main component of plant oils,and analyzing its structure and composition not only can understand the nature and purpose of plant oils,but also can provide the fingerprint information to identify different plant oils.
参考来源 - HPLC分析植物油脂甘油三酯结构组成的研究现状Vegetable oil is the major composition of human food consumption, 71% of which is consumed in human daily life and diets.
参考来源 - ω·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress