化学式:CH3(CH2)7CH=CH(CH2)7COOH化学名:顺-9-十八碳烯酸 物化性质:常温下为浅黄色或红色透明油状液体,熔点13.4℃,比重0.8905,不溶于水,可溶于乙醇、汽油等有机溶剂,氢化时转变为硬脂酸,具有有机羧酸的一般化学性质及不饱和双键的化学性能。当然有很多用途,如合成纤维。
阿里巴巴为您找到4条植物油酸(Oleic Acid)产品的详细参数,实时报价,价格行情,优质批发/供应等信息。您还可以找植物油酸,植物油酸,植物油酸,油酸,OLEIC ACID等产品信息。
... vegetable waxes木蜡 vegetable-oil acids植物油酸 vehicular applications车辆用途 ...
表 中文名称: 植物油酸 英文名称: Plant oleic acid 参考价格: 电议 分子式: CH3(CH2)7CH:CH(CH2)7COOH 供应商: 点这里查看所有供应商信息 推荐供应商(1) 如何成为推荐供
植物油酸酰胺 Crodamide VRX
植物油酸价 vegetable oil acid value
植物油脂肪酸 Vegetable fatty acids ; Vegetable oil fatty acids ; Acidulated soa ; Acidulated vegetable oil soapstock
植物性三酸甘油酯 Capric Triglvceride
植物甘油三磷酸脱氢酶 GPDH
硫化植物油脂肪酸 sulfurized plant oil ; sulfurized vegetable oil fatty acid
植物油脂肪酸钙盐 Fatty acids, vegetable-oil, calcium sal
不饱和脂肪酸植物油 fa ; Fatty acids, vegetable oil, unsated
植物油脂肪酸钾盐 Fatty acids, vegetable-oil, potassium
Animal or vegetable fats and oil and fractions thereof, partly or wholly hydrogenated, interesterified, reesterified or elaidinized, whether or not refined, but not further prepared.
It is well known that Rapeseed oil is one of the most healthful edible vegetable oil because of its high oleic acid content and low saturated fatty acid content.
Conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) were prepared by alkali isomerization using KOH as catalyst, 1, 2propanediol as solvent and natural vegetable oils as raw material.