Look back on those days when you were the little child, how many times did you try when no one was watching, or when no one was cheering?
Suddenly, high above the jubilant roar and thunder of the revel, broke the clear peal of a bugle-note.
在德国的 U 型潜艇用鱼雷击沉了大量的英国船只之后,一支由2700艘廉价而令人欢呼的“自由船”船队被引进来,以替换失去的船只,为29名英国人提供了一条救生索。
After German U-boats torpedoed numerous British ships, a 2,700-strong fleet of cheap- and-cheerful "Liberty ships" was introduced to replace the lost vessels, providing a lifeline for the 29 British.
Celebrate your gifts, enjoy them, but don' t take pride in them, take pride in your decision and hardwork.
I got whooped in a game of frisbee against a bunch of grad students.
He addresses instead the English language: "Hail native Language," Milton begins, and then he proceeds to set out in his heroic couplets of iambic pentameter a map for his future career as a famous poet.