欧几里得希腊文Ευκλειδης 公元前325年公元前265年古希腊数学家被称为几何之父他活跃于托勒密一世公元前323年-公元前283年时期的亚历山大里亚他最著名的著作几何原本是欧洲数学的基础提出五大公式欧几里得几何被广泛的认为是历史上最成功的教科书欧几里得也写了一些关于透视圆锥曲线球面几何学及数论的作品
1.2.1 欧几里得与几何《原本》 欧几里得(Euclid of Alexandria)是希腊论证几何学的集大成者,关于他的 生平我们所知甚少,根据有限的记载推断,欧几里得早年就学于雅典,公元前 300 年左右应托...
欧几里得几何 Euclidean geometry ; Geometry Postulates ; Euclidean plane geometry
非欧几里得几何 non-Euclidean geometry
欧几里得空间 [数] Euclidean space ; euklidischer Vektorraum euclidean space ; cartesian space
欧几里得整环 [数] Euclidean domain ; euclidean ring ; euclidean integral domain ; euklidischer ring euclidean ring
欧几里得算法 [数] euclidean algorithm ; Euclid's Algorithm ; euklidischer Algorithmus Euclidean algorithm
欧几里得之地 Euclidean Lands
欧几里得的 Euclidean
非欧几里得几何学 [数] non-euclidean geometry ; Euclidean geometry
Now commonly used in air quality assessment algorithm for air-pollution index method, fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, Euclid close to the degree method.
参考来源 - 基于决策树的数据挖掘算法在空气质量评估中的应用A deep research into it by Eudoxus later,Euclid gave an integral geometry solution to it and proved it in his famous monograph Elements.
参考来源 - 黄金分割研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The "Elements" (of Euclides Geometry) spreads the knowledge of plane geometry in China.
The melancholy of it! As if old Euclid had stood up on his hind legs and swallowed prussic acid.
In this article we discuss some questions with respect to number theory in the works of Euclid and diophantus.
And we learned how to prove the Pythagorean Theorem in Euclidean geometry, starting with the various axioms in Euclidean geometry, ba, ba-ba, ba-ba, ba-ba, ba bum.