Portugal has suffered more: a quarter of its job losses between 2003 and 2006 involved jobs heading overseas, mostly to new EU members.
匈牙利大部分软件公司的出口税收是由先前2003年的时候,欧盟15个成员国制定的。 所以匈牙利遵从对欧盟的新成员国收取百分之十七的出口税而对于巴尔干半岛地区则收百分之十四。
Most of the export revenues of the software firms (53%) came from the former 15 member states of the EU in 2003, followed by 17% share of the new EU-members and 14% of the Balkan countries.
Under a new ruling announced yesterday (Wednesday), European member states will be obliged to test all food and animal feed containing soya before distribution.