... 特工 » Agents 正在上课 » Classes are being 这个产品我们不需要 » We do not need this product ...
...她一旦决定了什么事,没人能阻止她 » She once decided what was going on, and no one is able to prevent her 正在上课 » Class 我们班个子最高的女生住我隔壁 » The tallest girls in our class live next door to me ..
我正在上课 I was class ; I was in class
老师正在上课 Teachers were in school ; The teacher is class
你正在上课吗 You were in school ; Do you class
如果我正在上课 If I was in class ; If I were in school
他们正在上课 They are in class
如果这时我正在上课 If I was in class
我们正在上美术课 We are art class
现在我们正在上英语课 Now we are English class
我们现在正在上英语课 We are an English class