论汉语对英语学习的正迁移作用及其对教学的启示-毕业论文参考网 关键词:母语;正迁移;启示;英语教学 [gap=1323]Key Words: native language; positive transfer; implication; English teaching
...大纲和习得顺序假说 七、输入假说 八、学习者个体差异 九、文化适应假说 十、语言学习策略 1、母语和外语 母语(first language):本国或本民族语言 外语(foreign language ):超出国界的其他 语言 2、第一语言和第二语言 第一语言(first language):幼儿...
[转]母语对英语学习者的影响 - 博客 - CyberParrot - 我的空间 - alivenotdead.com Key Words] mother language; negative transfer; positive transfer; language knowledge; English teaching [gap=401]关键词】 母语;负迁移;正迁移;语言...
世界母语日 IMLD
母语言 super language
母语迁移 language transfer ; Mother Tongue Transfer ; Native language transfer ; mother language transfer
母语负迁移 Linguistic transference ; negative transfer from mother tongue ; mother tongue negative transfer
以英语为母语的人 native speaker ; anglophone ; English-speaking people ; In the English-speaking people
母语习得 first language acquisition ; mother tongue acquisition ; Child Language Acquisition ; native language acquisition
非母语 Deutsch als Fremdsprache ; non-native speakers
母语版 Aka pisawad ; pisawad
Other languages don't have that distinction and so those distinctions are very difficult for non-native English speakers to learn.
maybe you're practicing English with a native speaker and you didn't quite catch what the other person said.
But there are many, many more websites coming up in different parts of the world They want to make sure that they address English-speaking audiences As well as their own audiences.