每日构建另一种说法是每晚构建(Nightly Build),道理和原则是一样的,只是由于很多时候白天开发紧张,机器等资源受限,以及时间的有效利用等原因,将构建的工作安排在白天工作...
That said, a warning is in order: some of the use cases are still being worked on, and depending on when you download your nightly build, you may find some use cases that aren't quite working.
由于 Shale 的开发还在进行中,目前还没有发行的构建,因此您应该尽量下载最近的每晚构建(具有最近的日期)。
Because work is ongoing with Shale and there aren't yet release builds, you should try to download the latest nightly build (with the most current date).
每日构建或每晚构建(nightly build)任务与开发人员进行单元测试的任务之间的差距随着复杂性和自定义的增加而增加。
The gap between daily or nightly build tasks and developer tasks for unit testing widens as complexity and customization is added.