汽化热是一个物质的物理性质。 其定义为:在标准大气压(101.325 kPa)下,使一摩尔物质在一定温度下蒸发所需要的热量,对于一种物质其为温度的函数。
汽化潜热 latent heat of vaporization; 汽化热 enthalpy of vaporization; heat of evaporation; heat of vaporization; latent heat of vaporization; 汽化水套 steam jacket; ..
比汽化热 specific vaporization heat
总汽化热 total heat of vaporization
蒸汽化热 heat of vaporization
莫耳汽化热 molar heat of vaporization
汽化潜热 [热] latent heat of vaporization ; latent heat ; latent t heat
汽化比潜热 specific latent heat of vaporization
微分汽化热 The differential heat of vaporization
水的汽化热 water heat of vaporization
摩尔汽化热 Hm
Also, the mechanism of this process has been analyzed with the concept of "interfacial vaporization heat sink".
A feedforward neural network was used to predict functional relationship of temperature with steam pressure and heat of vaporization of the pure material.