...st) 3.硝酸尾气处理催化剂(Tail gas from nitric acid plant treating catalyst) 4.汽车尾气催化剂(Automotive catalyst) 中国工业催化剂分类方法 中国催化网信息发布 一.石油炼制催化剂 1.催化裂化催化剂 2.催化重整催化剂 3.加氢裂化催化剂 4.加...
... 放气、排气、breathing、degassing、gassing 汽车尾气催化剂、auto-exhaust catalyst 汽车尾气污染控制、automobile exhaust gases pollution control ...
Metallic substrate automobile catalyst is a novel catalyzes technology, which has an extensive application and wide foreground in auto emission cleanse technology.
A special alumina applying for catalyst substrate in automobile exhaust had been studied. some influence factor to this alumina, such as temperature, additives etc, had been studied too.
综述了目前国际上催化消除汽车尾气催化剂的研究现状,分析了三效贵金属催化剂、 钙钛矿氧化物催化剂、 分子筛催化剂各自的优势和存在的问题。
This paper introduces some kinds of catalysts for automobile exhaust purification, such as Three Way Catalysts (TWCs), perovskite oxide catalyst, and molecular sieve catalyst by metal ions.