méi shì rén ㄇㄟˊ ㄕㄧˋ ㄖㄣˊ 没事人 谓置身局外的人。《红楼梦》第四回:“﹝ 薛公子 ﹞既打了 冯公子 ,夺了丫头,他便没事人一般,只管带了家眷走他的路。”《儿女英雄传》第九回:“ 十三妹 毫不在意,如同没事人一般。”
没用的人或事物 good for nothing
告诉或者人没事 inform sb of sth ; tell sb. about sth ; l sb sth
遏止或者人做没事 stop sb. from doing sth ; stop sb doing
众人的事儿没人管 Everybody's business is nobody's business
没事别骂人滚 Roll all right don't curse ; Nothing to scold people roll
故事没人了解 Stories no one knows ; Nobody could understand story ; No one know the story
告诉或者人做没事 tell sb do sth
让或者人做没事 let sb do sth
需要或者人做没事 need sb do sth
But he seemed not concerned with that and said it's not cruel enough as my posture of beating was not right.
Surprising, as nothing like everyone else, as it flagrantly goods openly sold.