Nobody knows what » 没有人知道什么 Although Tyler officially retired in 1967,he never actually retired. » 虽然泰勒于1967年正式退休,他从来没有实际退休。
...made a final decision had considered slowly » 慢慢地审议作出最后决定这根竹竿儿了 Nobody knows anything » 没有人知道什么 a letter from England » 英格兰的信 ..
没有人知道什么我 no one knows what
没有人知道为什么 No one one knows ; and no one knows just why
没有人知道它是什么样 No one knows what its like
没有人知道它像什么 no one knows what its like
没有人知道它是什么 No one knows what its like ; and its what nobody knows
Think when we were born and we were babies. None of us knew anything then.
The gyrations of the market are such that no-one can know what will have value even a few years ahead.
目前还没有人知道什么让Derrick Bird在杀死自己前向这些人们发动袭击,其中似乎还包括他的孪生兄弟和同事以及完全不相干的陌生人。
No one yet knows what made Derrick Bird attack these people, who seem to have included his twin brother and colleagues from work as well as total strangers, before killing himself.
I think that might be the reason- no one knows what all their reasons were.
Nobody knew exactly what was going on.
That apparently is a difficult question that most people didn't know in 1974.