棕榈油 [食品] Palm Oil ; palm butter ; paimoil ; maripa oil ; palm oil
油棕榈树 oil palm ; oil pingm ; oil l palm
马来西亚棕榈油局 MPOB ; Malaysian Palm Oil Board
棕榈仁油 Palm Fruit Oil ; palm nut oil ; Palm Butter
印尼棕榈油协会 GAPKI ; Indonesian Palm Oil Association ; IPOC ; Indonesian Palm Oil Board
油棕榈 oil palm
马来西亚棕榈油总署 MPOB
棕榈核油 Palm Kernel Oil ; Palm Kemel Oil ; Pingm Kernel Oil
马来西亚棕榈油协会 MPOA ; Malaysian Palm Oil Board ; MPOB ; MOPA
马来西亚棕榈油委员会 MPOC ; MPOB ; Malaysian Palm Oil Board ; Palm Oil Board
Palm oil is an ingredient in an estimated third of all products on supermarket shelves, from biscuits and margarine to shampoo and confectionery.
有棕榈油, 棕榈脂, 油棕油。