... oil-water displacement front 水驱油前缘 oil-water emulsion 油-水乳状液 oil-water interaction energy 油水互作用能 ...
油水乳状液 water-oil emulsion ; oil-water emulsion
油包水乳状液 [物化] water-in-oil emulsion ; oil emulsion ; oil continuous emulsion
水包油乳状液 emulsion oil-in-water ; reverse emulsion ; water external emulsion
水油混合乳状液 water-oil emulsion
油包水型乳状液 WO emulsion
水包油乳状液破乳剂 demulsifier for oil-in-water emulsion
油包水乳状液破乳剂 demulsifier for water-in-oil emulsion
Due to its high stability as an emulsifier it is used to prepare oil in water type emulsions.
The hydrophilic-lipophilic balance determines the type of emulsion formed and is controlled by the chemical composition of the surfactant.
The data got from the test of turning wheel flowing simulator further confirms the concept of coalescing temperature of oil drop of oil-in- water type crude emulsion.