罗莲斯为 法国足球杂志 ( France Football )的体育记者,主力采访法国甲组联赛的新闲及球员消息,与法国甲组球员关系密切,长期关注法国甲组联赛的各方动向,对法甲比赛了...
However, he told Chelsea TV that quotes picked up from an interview he had given to France Football magazine last month had been misinterpreted by British media.
《法国足球》杂志援引梅西的话说: :“说实话,我心里有点底,因为我所在的巴塞罗那俱乐部在2009年收获颇丰,但是我没想到自己会以这么大的优势胜出。
"Honestly, I knew that I was among the favorites because Barcelona had a fruit fulyear in 2009, " Messi was quoted as saying by the magazine. "But I didn't expect to win with such a margin.
C. Ronaldo is also a strong contender to win the FIFA award and the European Golden ball organized by the French magazine France Football.