The draw top was invented in the 16th century, making it possible to double the table length.
那时候的争议是,以PointCast和微软的活动桌面(Active Desktop)为代表的“推送”技术会打造一个“彻底凌驾于万维网的媒体未来”。
The argument then was that “push” technologies such as PointCast and Microsoft's Active Desktop would create a “radical future of media beyond the Web.
那时候的争议是,以PointCast和微软的活动桌面(Active Desktop)为代表的“推送”技术会打造一个“彻底凌驾于万维网的媒体未来”。
The argument then was that “push” technologies such as PointCast and Microsoft’s Active Desktop would create a “radical future of media beyond the Web.”