最佳谜底:个人以为,最富丽的技能是女祭祀的流星雨 (Starfall)(最终魔法): 呼唤数波从天而降的流星雨损害临近的敌军.每一波每单位造成50点损害,每波距离1.5秒.
狮子座流星雨 leonids ; LEONID METEOR SHOWER ; the Leonid meteor showers ; Leonid meteors
英仙座流星雨 perseids ; PERSEID METEOR SHOWER ; PER
凤凰座流星雨 Phoenicids ; PHO
猎户座流星雨 orionids ; Orionid Meteor Shower ; ORI
双子座流星雨 geminids ; Geminid meteor shower ; GEM
牧夫座流星雨 June Bootids
一起来看流星雨 Meteor Shower ; Let's Go Watch Meteor Shower ; Let's Go Watc
象限仪座流星雨 quadrantids ; QUA
流星雨风暴 Meteor Storm
If we had rock samples to study, we'd know whether these small craters were formed by impacts during the final stages of planetary formation, or if they resulted from later meteor showers.