东亚峰会海上搜救经验交流研讨会 a workshop to exchange experience in maritime search and rescue
海上搜救中心 MRCC
海上搜救协调中心 maritime rescue coordinating center ; MRCC
海上搜救计划 maritime SAR plan
国家海上搜救手册 National Maritime SAR Manual
海上搜救程序 maritime SAR procedure
全球海上搜救计划 global maritime SAR rescue plan
海上搜救区域 maritime SAR region
海上搜救当局 maritime SAR authority
But at present, there are some deficiencies in maritime search and rescue system of our country.
参考来源 - 基于模糊综合和模糊推理的搜救系统适应性评价The key technologies of helicopter simulation module in simulation systems maritime SAR include: mathematical model of helicopter movements, virtual environment, visual and control system.
参考来源 - 海上搜救仿真系统中直升机数学模型的研究Fast and effectual salvage not only can reduce loss in accident, but also can ensure people's life property safety when shipwreck occurs.
参考来源 - 海上搜救目标多波段图像采集技术的研究Fast and effectual salvage can reduce loss in accident; ensure people's lives and belongings safety when shipwreck occurs.
参考来源 - 基于红外成像的海上搜救技术研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
China's maritime rescue teams will continue to help search and rescue Vietnamese victims and survivors.
Ian Klopper, a spokesman for the National Sea Rescue Institute, said: "You can rule out any chance of finding him alive."
Rescue Co-ordination Centre co-ordinates all maritime search and rescue operations within the international waters of the South China sea.