海洋沉积物(marine sediments)是指各种海洋沉积作用所形成的海底沉积物的总称。以海水为介质沉积在海底的物质。沉积作用一般可分为物理的、化学的和生物的3种不同过程,由于这些过程往往不是孤立地进行,所以沉积物可视为综合作用产生的地质体。传统上,按深度将沉积物划分为:近岸沉积(0~20米),浅海沉积(20~200米),半深海沉积(200~2000米),深海沉积(大于2000米)。
... professional norms 行业规范 marine sediment samples 海洋沉积物 repeated infection 重复感染 ...
海洋沉积物质量 Marine sediment quality
海洋沉积物中的无机物 Inorganics in Marine Sediment
海洋沉积物粉末 Ocean Sediment Powder
海洋沉积物中的有机物 Organics in Marine Sediment
海洋沉积物特性 Properties of sea deposit
海洋沉积物间隙水 interstitial water of marine sediment
远洋深海沉积物 pelagic abyssal sediment
海洋沉积生物 marine sedimentary organisms
Actual marine sediment cores will be used in similar experiments to study the relationship between gas hydrate saturation and acoustic parameters. Parameters of the models determined by experiments will be useful in practical application.
参考来源 - 多孔介质中水合物饱和度与声波速度关系的实验研究Microbial diversity in marine sediment is an important component of marine biodiversity,it plays an important role in geochemical cycle.
参考来源 - 海洋沉积物微生物多样性研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
This change in plankton found in marine deposits is what marks the boundary between the Cretaceous and the Tertiary.
Ocean sediments presented a much more complete geologic record of the Pleistocene than continental glacial deposits did.
After millions of years, powerful geological forces, like underwater volcanoes lift up the ocean sediments to form new land.