...湾潜水点(Turtle Bay Dive Site) 旅游景点类型:名胜 Great Barrier Reef , Cairns , Queensland , 4870 海龟湾(Turtle Bay)位于大堡礁凯恩斯海域,您可在此与“杀手”来一场面对面的亲密接触。这是一条重达 35 公斤的硕大毛利濑鱼,等待着潜水师来喂食。
海龟湾度假村 Turtle Bay Resort ; Turtle Beach Resort ; Turtle Bay Lodge
海龟湾潜水度假村 Turtle Bay Dive Resort
海龟湾度假酒店 Turtle Bay Resort
海龟湾球场 Arnold Palmer Course ; Turtle Bay Golf
海龟湾探险公园 Turtle Bay Exploration Park
海龟湾酒店 Turtle Bay Resort
海龟湾世外桃源酒店 Turtle Bay Hideaway
海龟湾大酒店 Turtle Bay Hotel
海龟湾度假村酒店 Turtle Bay Resort
Researchers have collected the bodies in an attempt to determine whether the turtles died due to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.
Even before the fires, the two-month gusher in the Gulf of Mexico was threatening the long-term survival of sea turtles.
The evacuation plan is an attempt to save the next generation of Gulf sea turtles.