n. infiltration
vt. infiltrate ; soak
E_钙粘蛋白在胃癌浸润、转移中的作用_医学论文--《医药卫生护理学》--互联网考试中心 关键词】 胃癌;e_钙粘蛋白;浸润;转移 [gap=812]key words]gastric carcinoma,eptithelial cadherin,invasion,metastasis
浸润性小叶癌 invasive lobular carcinoma ; ILC ; Invasive ductal carcinoma ; infiltrative lobular carcinoma
肿瘤浸润性淋巴细胞 tumor infiltrating lymphocytes ; TIL ; tumor-infiltration lymphocyte ; Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes
肿瘤浸润淋巴细胞 TIL ; tumor infiltrating lymphocyte ; tumor-infiltrating lymphocyteTIL ; tumor infiltrating cells
浸润剂 size ; impregnating compound ; Sizing ; JF-CS
浸润剂含量 size content
浸润剂残留量 size residue
浸润线 phreatic line ; saturation line ; Assault embellish line
脂肪浸润 [生理] [医] fatty infiltration ; adipose infiltration
浸润麻醉 infiltration anaesthesia ; Infiltration ; anesthesia ; infiltrtion nesthesi
Progress is being made through immersion schools, because if you teach children when they're young, it will stay with them as adults and that's the future.
In metaphase, it will decrease the chronic soakage of inflammatory cell, destroy the epidermis and adenalgia.