消泡剂 defoamer ; [助剂] antifoaming agent ; [助剂] defoaming agent ; [助剂] antifoam agent
食品消泡剂 food antifoaming agents ; deforming agents for good ; deforming agents for food
有机硅消泡剂 silicone defoamer ; silicone defoaming agent ; Organic silicon defoaming agent ; Organosilicon defoamer
纸浆消泡剂 defoaming agent of pulp
钻井液消泡剂 defoamer for drilling fluid
消泡剂探头 antifoam probe
高效有机硅消泡剂 silicone antifoaming agent ; High Efficiency Organic Silicon Defoamer ; Organic silicon defoaming agent
消泡剂/防泡剂 Anti-foaming Agents
高效消泡剂 high effective antifoaming agent
The antifoaming principles of antifoaming agents were analyzed in theory, and the selection principles and evaluation methods were described.
It has shown that this polyether modified polysiloxane defoamer provides good defoaming effect.
High levels of organic compounds will frequently promote foaming leading to high consumption of antifoam reagents.